Chuck Kimmel
B.S., Swarthmore College
Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University
Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University
Research Interests
As an emeritus professor, I continue to work on problems of genetic, cellular, and evolutionary variation, especially in animal and organ shape. The current focus is two-fold: I am working with Adam Miller's group, as part of our grant shared with ION colleagues, on a project involving a single cell RNA-seq atlas of zebrafish development and adult tissues, and I am working with Bill Cresko’s group (Institute of Ecology and Evolution) on developmental interaction between neuromasts of the sensory cranial lateral line and a subset of facial bones in sticklebacks.
Prospective Graduate Students: Please contact Chuck Kimmel to determine if the lab is accepting new graduate students.
Judith Eisen
Development of vertebrate nervous system with a focus on interactions between the nervous system, immune system, and host-associated microbiota