Developmental Biology
Name | Department | Research Interest | Accepting grads |
Chris Q Doe | Biology | Generation of neuronal diversity and motor circuits in Drosophila | |
Judith Eisen | Biology | Development of vertebrate nervous system with a focus on interactions between the nervous system, immune system, and host-associated microbiota | |
Adrianne Huxtable | Human Physiology | Development of brain and spinal circuits controlling breathing | ✔ |
Chuck Kimmel | Biology | Morphogenesis and evolutionary developmental biology of the skull | |
Adam Miller | Biology | Neural circuit wiring, synapse formation, and electrical synaptogenesis. | ✔ |
Cristopher Niell | Biology | Neural circuits for natural vision | ✔ |
John Postlethwait | Biology | Developmental genetics and the evolution of developmental mechanisms | ✔ |
Emily Sylwestrak | Biology | Neural circuits of behavior; reward and addiction | ✔ |
Philip Washbourne | Biology | Developmental neuroscience with a focus on social behavioral circuits | ✔ |
Monte Westerfield | Biology | Molecular genetics of Usher syndrome and other diseases |
Systems Neuroscience
Name | Department | Research Interest | Accepting grads |
Felix Deku | Knight Campus | Microelectrodes development and clinical translation | |
Chris Q Doe | Biology | Generation of neuronal diversity and motor circuits in Drosophila | |
Tim Gardner | Knight Campus, Physics | Sensory motor learning and neural interface development | ✔ |
Adrianne Huxtable | Human Physiology | Development of brain and spinal circuits controlling breathing | ✔ |
Santiago Jaramillo | Biology | Auditory cognition, behavioral flexibility and predictive processing | ✔ |
Shawn Lockery | Biology | Neurogenetic basis of decision making | |
Michelle Marneweck | Human Physiology, Knight Campus | Neural control and biomechanics of skilled action | |
Luca Mazzucato | Biology, Math, Physics | Computational neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence | ✔ |
David McCormick | Biology | Cortical neural circuits of behavior and attention | ✔ |
James Murray | Biology, Math | Theoretical and computational neuroscience | ✔ |
Cristopher Niell | Biology | Neural circuits for natural vision | ✔ |
Michael Posner | Psychology | Neural networks of attention | |
Matt Smear | Psychology | Active Olfaction | ✔ |
Nicki Swann | Human Physiology | Motor Neuroscience of Health and Disease | |
Emily Sylwestrak | Biology | Neural circuits of behavior; reward and addiction | ✔ |
Philip Washbourne | Biology | Developmental neuroscience with a focus on social behavioral circuits | ✔ |
Michael Wehr | Psychology | Neural computation in auditory circuits | ✔ |
Computational Neuroscience
Name | Department | Research Interest | Accepting grads |
Felix Deku | Knight Campus | Microelectrodes development and clinical translation | |
Tim Gardner | Knight Campus, Physics | Sensory motor learning and neural interface development | ✔ |
Santiago Jaramillo | Biology | Auditory cognition, behavioral flexibility and predictive processing | ✔ |
Shawn Lockery | Biology | Neurogenetic basis of decision making | |
Luca Mazzucato | Biology, Math, Physics | Computational neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence | ✔ |
David McCormick | Biology | Cortical neural circuits of behavior and attention | ✔ |
James Murray | Biology, Math | Theoretical and computational neuroscience | ✔ |
Cristopher Niell | Biology | Neural circuits for natural vision | ✔ |
Michael Wehr | Psychology | Neural computation in auditory circuits | ✔ |
Motor and Cognitive Neuroscience
Name | Department | Research Interest | Accepting grads |
Paul Dassonville | Psychology | Perception and action | |
Tim Gardner | Knight Campus, Physics | Sensory motor learning and neural interface development | ✔ |
Ian Greenhouse | Human Physiology | Motor Control | ✔ |
Brice Kuhl | Psychology | Neural mechanisms that support episodic memory | |
Michelle Marneweck | Human Physiology, Knight Campus | Neural control and biomechanics of skilled action | |
Nicki Swann | Human Physiology | Motor Neuroscience of Health and Disease | |
Dasa Zeithamova Demircan | Psychology | Flexible use of memory |