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Past Events

Image Photo of Dr. Summer Thyme
May 9
Summer Thyme
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology
Using Zebrafish to Study Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Discover Treatments

Large-scale genomic studies have uncovered numerous genes linked to schizophrenia and autism...

Image Photo of Dr. David Kastner, smiling directly at the camera in a blue plaid shirt
May 7
David Kastner, MD, PhD
Adjunct Instructor, Psychiatry
Ectopic seminar: "Choice-wide behavioral association study: data-driven identification of interpretable behavioral components"

This seminar was rescheduled to the NCS timeslot at 4pm in LISB 217.  Please join us! 



Image Portrait of Dr. Zachary Wallmark
May 2
Zachary Wallmark, PhD
Associate Professor Musicology, Associate Director of Musicology
Empathic Listening: Music and the Social Mind

How does music processing relate to social cognition? This presentation discusses recent...

Image Portrait of Dr. Aleena Garner
Apr 25
Aleena Garner, PhD
Assistant Professor
A Cortical Circuit for Audio Visual Predictions

Abstract: Learned associations between stimuli in different sensory modalities can shape the way we...

Image NCB logo
Apr 23
Christian Schmid
Theory of Learning Dynamics in the Nonlinear Perceptron
Image Spencer Butte
Apr 18
No seminar scheduled
Image Spencer Butte
Apr 11
No seminar scheduled
Image Poster for Spotlight Seminar featuring Dr. Kelsey Anbuhl
Apr 10
Dr. Kelsey Anbuhl
Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Neural Science
Spotlight Seminar: "Influence of early hearing loss on perceptual and cognitive processing"

Please join us on Wednesday April 10th  for a special seminar with Dr. Kelsey Anbuhl a postdoc at...

Image Portrait of Dr. Diana Bautista
Apr 4
Diana Bautista, PhD
Professor | Howard Hughes Investigator | Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
Mind-Brain Lecture: "Pain goes viral: neural mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 pain and airway inflammation"

Please note the location change to the Knight Campus Beetham Family Seminar Room and earlier pre...

Image Oregon
Mar 28
No seminar - Spring Break