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Past Events

Please join us for a special blackboard talk by Bill Bialek (Princeton) next Tuesday 8/1 at 4:30pm...
Please join us for a special blackboard talk by Bill Bialek (Princeton) next Tuesday 8/1 at 4:30pm in Wil 100 (NOTE: around the corner from our usual seminar room in Willamette Hall). The seminar will be on Zoom as well (please see ION email announcement).
Bill is a renowned biophysicist and a pioneer of modeling biological systems - in particular models of complex naturalistic behavior. He will share his most recent ideas including this paper.
In the morning Bill will meet our trainees at 11am in LISB 217 for an informal discussion.

You asked to hear from recent alumni about what it’s like to prepare, seek, and obtain jobs for Ph...
You asked to hear from recent alumni about what it’s like to prepare, seek, and obtain jobs for Ph.Ds. in the biosciences in the current economic environment. Please join us on Monday, July 31st, for a series of panel discussions focused on this topic. Bring your questions and your curiosity!
You are welcome to attend any and all of the sessions. In addition, we have refreshment breaks and lunch scheduled for all attendees. All sessions will be held in BO40, which is the large classroom associated with the science library. Refreshments and lunch will be in the smaller classroom. If you have special dietary restrictions, please let me know asap so we can do our best to accommodate.
9:15 am – 10:45 am Panel 1: CVs, Resumes, Cover Letters, & LinkedIn Profiles
10:45 am – 11:00 am Morning Coffee Break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Panel 2: Searching for Jobs
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Panel 3: Interviewing
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Afternoon Coffee Break
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Panel 4: Negotiating
Panel 1
Kimberly Jones (Prehoda lab), Laboratory Manager, Guldberg Lab, Knight Campus, University of Oregon
Austin Harvey (Bowerman lab), Scientist III, R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Kristi Hamilton (Guillemin/Eisen lab), Scientist III R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Panel 2
Aleesa Schleintz (Bowerman lab), Postdoctoral Researcher, UC San Diego
Thom Nelson (Cresko lab), Senior Scientist for Genetic Discovery, Embark Veterinary
Andrew Wagner (Nolen lab), Senior Scientist, Just – Evotec Biologics
Stephanie van Beuge (Guilleman lab), Clinical Research Scientist I, bioMerieux
Andrea Steiger (Pluth lab), Chemical Biologist, Scientist II, Absci
Panel 3
Huiying Ji (von Hippel/Marcus lab), Bioinformatician, PlasmaSaurus
Oggie Golub (Prehoda lab), Staff Scientist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Leticia Montoya (Pluth lab), Staff Scientist, Cell Biology R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Matthew Cerda (Pluth lab), Scientist III, Product Development, Lonza
Panel 4
Rafael Miranda (Barkan lab), Scientist, Eikon Therapeutics
Connor Balzer (Nolen lab), Scientist II, Laboratory Research & Development, Charles River Labs
Michelle Massaquoi (Guilleman lab), Product Owner, R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jim McDermott (Barkan), Senior Scientist, Just – Evotec Biologics
Come say hello to recent graduates! We look forward to seeing you on Monday.