Image Devils Punchbowl

​​​​​Postdocs at the Institute of Neuroscience

ION postdos are scholars, leaders, innovators, advocates, and teachers


Image Bruckner zebrafish social behavior
Research Highlight:
Dr. Joseph Bruckner

The microbiota promotes social behavior by modulating microglial remodeling of forebrain neurons

Image oscillation
Research Highlight:
Dr. Dennis Nestvogel

Visual thalamocortical mechanisms of waking state-dependent activity and alpha oscillations



Image gold particles
NRSA Awardee:
Dr. Morgan Brown

Transparent graphene electrode arrays for simultaneous electrical and optical investigation of computations in the olfactory bulb

More about Morgan

Image zebrafish neurons
NRSA Awardee:
Dr. Anne Martin

Molecular Mechanisms of Synapse Coordination

Every thought and action we experience is elegantly organized by passing information through specific, specialized connections in the brain called synapses. Yet, we fundamentally do not understand how the many different types of synapses form during development, nor how they coordinate their numbers to balance one another in a neural circuit. This proposal explores the mechanisms by which synapses coordinate their development which is critical for us to understand the basis of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and epilepsy, and for us to devise rational therapeutic interventions.