The University of Oregon has formed a new undergraduate major in Neuroscience! The curriculum can be found on the major website.
For more information, contact the program director at neuro@uoregon.edu.
Undergraduate courses in Neuroscience can be found in the Department of Biology, Department of Psychology, and Department of Human Physiology.
Undergraduates can also arrange to do research in faculty research labs. The best way to gain admission into a faculty lab is to contact faculty directly and inquire about openings in the lab. It is both possible and ideal to start early — as early as your freshman year — so that you have time to learn how to do research and make a productive contribution to your host lab. To find a lab, it is best to start with faculty that know your work from classes, but it is also worthwhile to just drop in during faculty office hours and ask if that faculty member has any positions open for undergraduate research.
Undergraduate researchers and their mentor in the Doe lab. From left: Pat Johnson, M Syed, Jimmy Kelly, and Robel Haile
The Neuroscience Major is for undergraduate students interested in studying the relationship between the brain and behavior. Coursework is jointly taught by biology, human physiology, and psychology faculty to provide a well-rounded training.
The SLP offers General Education courses for non-science majors designed to improve scientific awareness and general science literacy of the educated public by enhancing competence in and appreciation of science.
STEM CORE’s mission is to produce a broader and deeper pool of STEM talent in Oregon and nationally through the development of efficient and effective models for student learning and engagement.
SPUR provides fellowship opportunities for undergraduate students from other Universities and Colleges to participate in ongoing research in Life Sciences laboratories AT UO during the summer months.
OURS offers fellowship opportunities for current UO undergraduate students who are already placed in a laboratory to participate in ongoing research in life sciences laboratories at UO during the summer months.
The Peter O’Day Fellowship in Biological Sciences supports an undergraduate student partnering with a graduate student to conduct summer research.
The UROP Mini-grant program provides up to $1000.00 of support to undergraduate students that are conducting research, creative scholarship or work on an innovative project under the guidance of a UO faculty member.
The Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI) Undergraduate Fellowship awards students a $5,000 stipend to conduct research, creative scholarship or complete work on an innovative project full-time during the summer.
FYRE offers a $4000 stipend to the first-year undergraduate student, and $1000 to their faculty mentor. Fiver total awards are granted each year. FYRE recipients are expected to engage in full-time summer research for 8-10 weeks, under the mentorship of a UO faculty mentor (TTF or career NTTF).
The SURF award funds up to five students per academic year to conduct summer research under the supervision of a University of Oregon faculty mentor (TTF or career NTTF). The award amount is $4000 per individual.